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TIPS Newsletter | October 2018

The TIPS team

As we anticipate the clocks falling back, we are excited to share our October 2018 newsletter!

Upcoming Events

1. TIPS Affiliate Event | Unavoidable: Tackling the Ethics of Taxation | 6 - 9pm, 5 November 2018

  • On 5 November 2018, The Professional Ethics Network is hosting an event analysing the ethical issues surrounding tax avoidance. The event will be followed by wine and food as well as an opportunity to network afterwards.

  • Many thanks to Jasmine Elliott for bringing this to our attention!

2. TIPS Networking Drinks | The Hydrant | 6.30-8.30pm, 8 November 2018

  • On 8 November, we are hosting our first TIPS networking drinks to give you an opportunity to meet and socialise with other TIPS network members in an informal setting near Monument.

  • We have an area booked on the mezzanine floor upstairs – if you can’t find us, ask a member of staff for the TIPS Network drinks!

3. Presentations and Outreach | LSE, 15 November 2018 | University of Nottingham, 29 November 2018

  • We have upcoming TIPS presentations at LSE on 15 November and the University of Nottingham on 29 November. Students from all disciplines are invited to attend.

  • If you would be interested either to support or attend either event and/or join for networking drinks afterwards, please indicate your interest through the TIPS social media channels or otherwise contact the TIPS team.

  • We are looking to schedule presentations with other universities in the coming months; if you have any ideas for future presentations (e.g. have links with your alma mater or any law schools), please do get in touch!

4. TIPS Affiliate Event | TI-UK 2018 Anti-Corruption Lecture | 6 - 9pm, 12 December 2018

  • With thanks to TI-UK, the TIPS network is cordially invited to TI-UK’s Annual Anti-Corruption Lecture. Bill Browder will be speaking on Kleptocracy: London and its enabling role in spreading global corruption. It promises to be a highlight of the year!

Recent Events

5. Presentations and Outreach | University College, Oxford | Summary

  • On 16 October, Hannah Burrows and James Ford gave a presentation to the Eldon Law Society at University College, Oxford.

  • The society brought together a diverse and engaged group, with students reading Law, History and Politics, PPE and even English Literature in attendance.

  • Many thanks to Hannah Burrows for arranging this event!

6. TIPS Affiliate Event | Jasmine Coyle | Summary

  • On 2 October 2018, a number of TIPS members attended a talk on third party involvement in corruption cases presented by South African lawyer Jasmine Coyle. It was enthusiastically received by a very engaged audience.

  • For those of you who missed this, Jasmine has recently joined the TIPS Network, so you may be able to quiz her in person at a future TIPS event!


6. Other items that may be of interest

  • Blog – Britain’s first UWO has landed. What comes next? Susan Hawley, Policy Director of Corruption Watch, has written a thought provoking article considering what happens next now the first UWO has been publicly announced. How ambitious will enforcement agencies be in using UWOs? Will the NCA go after those still in power or only those who have fallen out of favour? And how tough will law enforcement be on “professional enablers”? Read Susan’s thought-provoking analysis here.

  • ArticleBritain’s war on dirty money lacks oomph: On 11 October, the Economist published an article suggesting that the UK is strong on transparency, but weak on enforcement. It pointed out some of the challenges to enforcement (such as lack of funding and fragmentation) as well as potential pressures on the horizon (such as FATF’s upcoming evaluation of the UK’s progress with regards to AML). Read more here. Many thanks to Micky Khurana for bringing this to our attention!

  • Blog – OCCRP: the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project is an investigative reporting platform formed by numerous investigative centres, journalists and major regional news organisations. The OCCRP conduct transactional investigative reporting to help people understand how organised crime and corruption reside in their countries and within their governments. See their report into the alleged killing of the whistleblower in the Danske Bank AML scandal. here. Many thanks to Sam Eastwood for bringing this to our attention!


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